A short tribute poem to Dr. Seuss on his birthday

My colleague Sha-Mayn noted that today is Dr. Seuss’ birthday.  I originally penned the short poem below to post as a facebook comment, but I thought I’d share it with you all instead. 😀  With deep apologies but much love to Dr. Seuss…

I hadn’t known this fact before
I miss Dr. Seuss now even more
I read and re-read all his books
‘til my parents gave me funny looks!

“Green Eggs and Ham” still rocks today.
I wish for more like that, I say!

In a hat, on a moat, with a cat, on a boat,
In a car, on a plane, with a star, on a plane!

I would not could not write like Seuss.
So now I’ll stop the poetic abuse.

[Video below is of two girls lipsync’ing to Moxy Früvous’ awesome a cappella take on “Green Eggs and Ham”]







15 responses to “A short tribute poem to Dr. Seuss on his birthday”

  1. Shayla Grace Avatar

    Hey that was really good.  Maybe you could be the next Dr. Seuss???  It could happen.

  2. Brenda Avatar

    You are so cuuute! Not a bad poet, either!

  3. Lauren Reagan Avatar

    Dr. Seuss made a major impact with his writings and books, I’m glad to see that each year his birthday is celebrated by so many people around the country.
    With Regards,
    Lauren Reagan

  4. h0ly Avatar

    Dr. Seuss was the man, he probably made the best small children books in the whole world. Because of him, he encouraged smaller kids to read.

  5. carl crossman Avatar

    Dr Seuss was a great man
    He could write like no one can
    His mission was to make us smile
    Writing in his unique style
    If he was here then he would tell
    I see you have that gift as well

  6. Dean Avatar

    Love the poem – and the poem from Carl Crossman was good too!

    I’d add to the rhyme
    But I’m short on time
    I’m too tired; my brain is fried,
    But at least you see I tried!

  7. Janice Avatar

    Cute poems!  And the video was awesome!  I’d never heard that song before; so funny!

  8. Lucas Avatar

    I loved the video!  I watched it three times!  And the poem you wrote is well done too!

  9. Aaron Cooper Avatar

    I love me some Theodor Seuss Geisel! 

    There’s a Wocket In My Pocket is by far my favorite one.  I read it to my girls so many times at bedtime before they could read that they would read the book out loud with me start to finish even though they couldn’t yet read. 

    And that noothgrush on my toothbrush, well some are nice but he is not…

    And the Yottle in the Bottle, Whom I do not wish to keep!  But the zillow on my pillow always helps me fall asleep! 

    Might be the best book of all time! (okay, that may be slightly overstated)

  10. christian louboutin Avatar

    Love this video.Thanks.

  11. Adam Avatar

    Delighted so many people enjoyed this!  If you haven’t already, do some digging into Moxy Fruvous stuff.  The band may be defunct, but their songs are classic :-D.

    Anyway, thanks for the friendly comments!

  12. Christian Louboutin Avatar

    Dr Seuss was a great man

  13. Thu Tu Koelling Avatar

    Wow! I did not know that you were such a Dr. Seuss fan, Adam! Troy and I thought you would be the perfect person to read “Oh! The Places You’ll Go” at our wedding, but had no idea what a great match it turned out to be. Thanks for the awesome rendition. I like the look of your new blog. 🙂

  14. Ameliadrilon Avatar

    This was great! Awesome.

    healthy food tips

  15. ThatAdamGuy Avatar

    Pretty funny how things go, eh, Thu? I had forgotten all about my highlighting of the Dr. Seuss tribute, but yeah, I’ve been a Dr. Seuss fan for a long time 🙂 You, Troy and I all have good taste!

    (and speaking of good taste, thanks for the kind comments on my blog! still much much much to do, but it’s nice not to have to worry about back-end stuff now!)

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