Category: happy body
I couldn’t do one pull-up. My dad’s hack fixed that brilliantly.
One of my friends was lamenting that he can’t do one pull-up. Another friend playfully retorted: But I bet if you reeeeeeally wanted to you would. 🙂 She’s right… sort of. But she didn’t say how. Back in the day, though, my dad knew how. In the 7th grade — when I was humiliated that…
Fitness wearables: Enough raw numbers; give us smart advice!
From my experience, all the current fitness wearables fail to help us identify correlations that could efficiently and dramatically improve our lives.
Adam’s septoplasty / turbinate reduction surgery diary. Infotainment the doctor ordered!
Three out of four leading doctors told me that I have a really messed up nose (my septum is shaped like a hockey stick rather than the more conveniently functional lower case ‘l’ style)… and if I ever want to breathe decently, I simply must get a septoplasty + turbinate reduction surgery. The fourth (admittedly imaginary)…
Knott’s Berry Farm — For shame!
Okay, this is not a rant on junk food. I think when people eat Cheez-wiz, they aren’t misguided enough to assume they’re eating healthful real cheese. When people eat a double fudge brownie, I doubt they’re confusing this with an apple. And when people eat Cap’n Crunch cereal, there’s no way they’d assume they’re consuming…
[Humor] 100 yards Longs brand Waxed Mint Dental Tape, almost new
Today we have a guest post! Hopefully a nice respite from all the political tensions. The note below was written by Mark Pilloff for distribution on our company’s “for sale” (classifieds) list. I’ve reproduced it below in its entirety with, of course, Mark’s permission. Enjoy! 😀 * * * Free: 100 yards Longs brand Waxed…
I’m Yoga’ing and I feel a bit like Homer Simpson
Today I completed my third yoga session. The class is taught by an apparently-quite-skilled (and patient and helpful!) instructor here at the main Google gym, and she’s noted that it’s essentially “Iyengar-flow” style. I, however, have decided to nickname it D’oh-whoa style. D’oh: not in a painful sense, but in a OH HAI I HAZ…
Natural energy boosters guaranteed to kick your ass (in a good way)
I guarantee* that the following all-natural AdamSpecial (“CafeKeek” in honor of my now-undoubtedly-horrified French friends) will put a pep in your step, will put the mmmmm in mooove, will take the ache out of awake… Required…1) Coffee beans + grinder (ideal) OR not-terribly-fine-ground coffee (okay) OR instant coffee (will do in a pinch; can ignore…
Self improvement — how do you measure your progress?
A few years back, I had some free sessions with a personal trainer at my gym, and one of the most useful takeaways was this: Unless you write stuff down, it’s too easy to “fudge the facts” in your mind. How much pushups are you doing with good form? What are you eating each day? …
A comparison of dark chocolates from Trader Joe’s
MethodologyI took a bite of the famed whole-wheat Ak-Mak cracker and sips of orange juice in between chocolate nibbles. GoalVital learning in the name of science, with an aim to provide thoughtful, unbiased info to my fellow dark chocolate lovers. Grand summary– Villars – Swiss chocolate: Sharpest (along with Trader Joes)– Valrhona – French chocolate: …
Food labels: When does "All" or 100% not mean ALL?
I suppose, by this point, I should have learned to be totally cynical and untrusting, even when it comes to my favorite grocery store, Trader Joe’s. But every day, I learn new and disappointing things by reading labels a bit more carefully. For instance, how about “100% Juice”? You’d guess that it’s made up of…