Category: photography
More photos: From Gregarious Greeks to a Korean Combo and beyond…
I’ve had the good fortune to travel a lot over the last years (mostly for fun, not business, though that’s shifting) and also am blessed with many fun and photogenic friends. With no further ado, here’s a sample of photos I’ve recently uploaded: Talented Tjapukais Watery wires Korean combo Gregarious Greeks A fab flower Here’s…
[Photo] And when they land, they’ll do so in an organized fashion
Selfishly raising money for cancer, one photo annotation at a time
I have an envelope on my desk from the American Cancer Society. A very, very worthy organization, and one that I do indeed plan to support financially. But—being the strange bird that I am—I’d like to do so creatively, selfishly, and, well, with your help 😀 No, I’m not going to ask you to send…
Berlin boat tour photos and mini Canon SD700 camera review
Earlier this month I had the pleasure of taking a river cruise of sorts through Berlin… including both the former East and West parts. I shot the photos with my new Canon SD700 camera (which I’m generally pleased but not thrilled with) and posted them on various services. See my Berlin boat tour photos on…–…
Pre-Europe-travel grab bag
WARNING: Mishmash ahead.Haven’t yet packed, which means this is the perfect time to procrastinate with a blog entry. Or something like that. I’m leaving tomorrow morning for a two-week work-related trip. See details of that trip, plus enjoy some of my phone, camera, T-Mobile, and other musings below. My upcoming travels for May 29 through…
Badger badger badger (snake?)
Anyone have any idea what this animal is? I saw him in a park in St. Louis, Missouri, and I’ve been wondering ever since. And since his home sort of complements my new blog colors, I figured it was high time to feature him here. 😀
Slide (photo service) – slide away quickly 😐
I tried out the Slide photo sharing service this afternoon. I understand it’s a beta, but as we’ve seen from many other services… beta doesn’t have to be unusable. Here’s why I didn’t like Slide: – It requires a download. Hey, my Grandpa isn’t going to download and install something. In contrast, with Flickr, I…
Next Google acquisition: Flickr + Picasa 2.0 = Fotoogle
Okay, so I’m kidding about the Fotoogle name (yuck!), but — mark my un-insider words — Google is going to buy community photo service Flickr or perhaps Fotki early next year and integrate it tightly with the upcoming Picasa 2.0. What problems would this solve? 1) Bridge the offline – online photo gap.Right now, via…
Bunch o’ fat smelly slobs
You know, this used to be such a nice feathery neighborhood. But now it’s populated by a bunch of fat, loud, belching slobs, hogging up all the sunny deck spots. And Doris wonders why I’m suggesting we fly further South for the Winter…”
Strange pants!
I don’t know quite what to say about this! Your idea for captions?