I’ve not abandoned this blog… yet, but…

You’d probably find more regular excitement if you follow me on Google+ and, to a lesser extent, if you follow me on Twitter. 🙂 (and if you don’t already have a Google+ account, click on the “Send email” link on the lefthand side of my Google+ page, drop me a quick note, and I’d be happy to send you an invite!)

I will, however, still try to post more long-form stuff on this blog from time to time.  With that said… if you’re craving AdamWritings, why not dip through my blog’s archives for a bit (check out the labels on the lef)?  There are, if I dare say so myself, some oldies but goodies :-).






4 responses to “I’ve not abandoned this blog… yet, but…”

  1. righini Avatar

    takes more time to read a blog post, but i still like them! you could post a personal top 3 of your posts? here’s mine top 3: on the first place the one where you were in germany and a girl said “hi”, the second when you were alone in a hotel. the third the one about “absolute transparence” in the office… i dont remember the “urls” of these posts, sorry!

  2. ThatAdamGuy Avatar

    Hmm!  Interesting idea.  I do plan to go through and “catalog” my posts one of these days (in conjunction with that long long long delayed overhaul of my sites).  But in the meantime, I’ve used the handy search box above to find the three posts you’ve mentioned 🙂

    A heartwarming story about bridging the culture gap (one of my favs, too!)
    Of sleep, many chances, big dreams
    Insane transparency — Seeing or even setting what your colleagues earn

  3. righini Avatar

    supercool! If you remember which keywords you did use to find them we could send an email to Daniel Russell 🙂

  4. ThatAdamGuy Avatar

    Heh! 😀

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