Proposition 8 isn’t just about civil rights, it’s about love and commitment

Hi there,

I don’t tend to post much about politics in this blog, especially nowadays.  But I have something I want to talk to you about that’s more than “just politics.”  It’s about my friends.  It’s about—with semi-apologies to Princess Bride—True Love.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with Proposition 8, I’ll quickly fill you in:  It’s a ballot initiative in California that aims to modify the state constitution to eliminate the right of people to marry the one they love if they’re gay or lesbian.

And let me tell you, it has warmed my heart to see gay and lesbian people I know tie the knot… people who are committed, monogamous, dedicated to their communities.  People who care about schools, who care about our country and the world. 

They just want to live out their lives in peace with their loved one.  Pay taxes jointly.  Have full visitation rights if one of them ends up in a hospital.  And, for those whose partner is from outside the U.S., they want to stay in the house they’ve bought together in this very state.

They’re not out to “convert” anyone for goodness sake, despite what some people are trying to scare you into believing.  In fact, I doubt they wish on anyone the challenges and hatred and sometimes even violence they suffered growing up.  I haven’t met a single gay or lesbian person who sees this as “making a statement” or “forcing change” or anything like that.  They just want to be able to love the one they’re with, and have their commitment be recognized fully by both the state and our country.

Perhaps you’re reading this and thinking to yourself, well sure, Adam.  I agree with you.  You’re preaching to the choir!  We used to not let blacks marry whites.  We used to not let people originally from Ireland (and elsewhere) hold jobs amongst us.  Our country has been through so many dark times… the burning of “witches” and the baseless ruining of lives of suspected communists and so on. 

Of course, we’re better now, right?  More and more people, especially young people, know people who are “different” than themselves… work with them, laugh with them, love them.

But I fear that the Yes on Prop 8 people have created uncertainty where there should be clarity and resoluteness.  So let me set the record straight (no pun intended):

  • This proposition will not change what kids are taught in school.
  • It won’t cost you any money.  If anything, it’ll keep more jobs here and maintain / build more revenues via taxes.
  • Churches won’t lose their tax-exempt status.  The court decision regarding marriage specifically says “no religion will be required to change its religious policies or practices with regard to same-sex couples, and no religious officiant will be required to solemnize a marriage in contravention of his or her religious beliefs.
*** Learn more about Proposition 8 ***

If you’re straight, voting NO on Prop 8 won’t change your marriage (or for you fellow single folks, your lack of marriage).  Churches can still marry whomever they want.  Parents can still take their kids out of school classes that go against their beliefs.

The only real thing voting NO on Prop 8 will do:
Let two consenting adults marry each other.

*  *  *

Please, let love prevail.  Those of you who are eligible (and haven’t already voted), PLEASE VOTE, and vote No on Prop 8.

Thank you :-).



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12 responses to “Proposition 8 isn’t just about civil rights, it’s about love and commitment”

  1. Jon Avatar

    Its nice to see this post. Alot of people have been coming out against it. There is also a proposition(i want to say it is 3 or 4) in Florida that is basically the same that unfortunately is not getting any where as much attention. I am not going to link to it, but it is really sad to see some of the ads that the Yes on prop 8.

  2. Irish Jewelry Avatar

    I’m Irish, and I recall the images of emplyment signs of long ago that had a footer “No Irish or Blacks need apply”. 

    We have come a long way indeed.  This is another hurdle that needs to be overcome.  If everyone could just live and let live, I can guarantee an improvement to our world.

  3. Matt Hendrickson Avatar
    Matt Hendrickson

    I personally don’t care one way or the other, but I am reminded of what “Kinky” Friedman said when asked about supporting gay marriage…

    “Why shouldn’t they have the chance to be as miserable as the rest of us?”

  4. Adam Avatar

    Jon, Irish, Ryan, thanks for the support!  And Matt, that is a funny quote.  I am voting Kinky in 2016! 😀

  5. Jon Avatar

    Well, all the propositions in Arizona, Florida, and Arizona have been passed. I vaigly remember hearing about some loop hole in the California one but not sure. I read this at school and almost left because I was about to cry. I am getting really pissed off at people who are against this and trying to take basic human rights away from me and the rest of the lgb community.
    BTW, if it wasn’t clear I am gay.

  6. Dana Carlyle Avatar

    Very bummed that California voted against the GLB community and citizens. I don’t understand the prejudice, I just don’t. I hope we find a way to overturn or legally challenge this.

  7. Adam Avatar

    Alas, Mike, Jon is right.  It passed.

  8. Bob Smith Avatar
    Bob Smith

    Some people argue that being gay is not a choice and that people are born gay and it is who they are.  Whether you believe this or not is irrelevant.

    Most people act on their sexual orientation.  All this non-sense of comparing homosexuals to minorities is an insult to minorities.  You CANNOT change the color of your skin or your sex.  You may not be able to choose the orientation of your sexual preference, but you can act upon it.  If a heterosexual chooses to not pursue an individual of another gender they would be no different than a homosexual who chooses to not pursue a partner of the same sexual orientation.

    Marriage between a male and a female has a social benefit.  Gay marriage does not.  And don’t let yourself be fooled into thinking that homosexuality is a new thing.  Homosexuality has been around for thousands of years.  Accepting it into society is no more open minded and progressive than accepting and allowing Dennis Rodman to marry himself.

    I’m certain this will offend a lot of people, especially homosexuals.  That’s OK with me because I become offended when I see homosexuals acting upon their choices.  Call this a close minded posting.  Label me what you will.  No one is able to offer anything other than a ‘feel good’ reason for why gay marriage should exist.

  9. k00kykelly Avatar

    For anyone interested, check out
    Join the Impact – Protest Prop 8 on November 15th!

  10. Mark Avatar

    I’m straight, but a lot of my neighbors are not. I’m sure paranoia was the main reason the this failed.  Live and let live, I say!

  11. Michael Gooch Avatar
    Michael Gooch

    I think Rockya has the right idea. Make the legal form of the union the same for everyone and disconnect the union status from anything related to religion. Do not allow religious officials to do the “paperwork” or officiate the event. Let the religious sacraments or rites remain in the church, those people will just have to have a wedding AND also go to a courthouse to get the legal stuff processed.

  12. Tracey Whitefield Avatar
    Tracey Whitefield

    This is a good article, I think people has a right to be happy so why other people don’t let others to be just themselves. They feel love i think that’s enough to let them do for what they thinkt is right. Find the best link building services browse it here.

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