I have a Prius and I like it a lot*. It may not be universally seen as stylish, but I don’t care 🙂 It’s not only environmentally sound, it’s roomy, comfortable, and — with voice recognition and other geek pleasures — it’s fun, too.
But you, bottom-line reader, may be asking, “Okay, so what’s in it for my pocketbook?” Fair question. So I jumped in my time machine, went a couple of years back, and found this handy Google Spreadsheet that I designed, just for future-you!
Please be nice and don’t erase or otherwise harm this spreadsheet (though yeah, I certainly have a backup just in case :-)). You can plug in numbers in the yellow “Edit below” fields to see just how much you might save in gas costs with a Prius.
Enjoy… and, as always, feedback’s welcome!
P.S. — Feel free to view and download your own copy of this fuel cost calculation spreadsheet.
*P.P.S. — Quit yer snickerin’ about “runaway” issues. IMHO, this was a tempest in a teapot, with congressmen unfairly vilifying a foreign brand using scant evidence and employing scaremongering techniques. Yeah, yeah, I’m biased, but still…
What do you think?