Truly stupid Facebook status updates

One of my favorite newsweeklies, The Week, has a weekly competition where they solicit various entertaining submissions on goofy name ideas or lists.

A few weeks ago, highlighting the crazy case of some Australian kids Facebook-status’ing that they’d fallen into a well or something like that, they asked for some other ideas of truly stupid Facebook updates.

Well, I submitted a handful… but clearly the editor of this contest lacks good taste, ‘cause she didn’t pick any of mine :(.  So, for your edification, I’ve included them below 😀

1) “OMG, I can’t believe my stupid teacher is reading my Facebook feed!”
2) “Honey, I think I might be pregnant. Is it yours?!”
3) “Having sex. BRB in a minute.”
4) “Honey, could you please get the remote for me? I’m in the bedroom.”
6)  “My darling Jennifer, will you marry me?”
7) “How do I post a status update?”
8) “Unsubscribe!”
9) “I am Mobutu Rumppole, a Nigerian Prince…”
10) “Just got spider bite. Fingers swelling pretty bad, hardto type, any ideas on what I sh”







11 responses to “Truly stupid Facebook status updates”

  1. raphael Avatar

    come on..number 3 is a winner. Anytime, anywhere 🙂
    And number 10 is a killer too

  2. Adam Avatar

    Glad you liked the list, Raphael, and clever theming, JohnT 😀

  3. Mary Anne Avatar

    Oh that is so funny!  And John T’s rendition is hilarious!

  4. id Avatar

    😀 Pretty funny :-)Having sex brb in a minute!

  5. Pia Avatar

    9) “I am Mobutu Rumppole, a Nigerian Prince…”

    that reminds me at this shirt


  6. Louis M. Peters Avatar

    lol, nice one! _____________________________

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  7. Danny Avatar

    Ok that cracked me up.

    I think I know people that have done #7 and #8

  8. Joe Avatar

    Some of those really made me laugh.  Thanks for this post

  9. AZ Refi Avatar

    Fricken Hilarious!  I still don’t understand why so many people want to tell the world what their doing.  So making people laugh makes sense to me. 

  10. Austin Landscaper Avatar

    LOL!  Awesome Post!!

  11. dicten Avatar

    lol 🙂 really funny. number 3 and 10 are great 🙂

What do you think?