Category: music
Pondering the emotional wallop of strings and music in general
I’m a member of some of those all-you-can-eat, er, all-you-can-listen-to online music services and I’m constantly amazed at the fun and beautiful music I stumble across. Once, on a goofy whim, I did a search for the string “Chicken” and found a shockingly cool selection of funk, pop, and jazz songs. More recently, I did…
Fun music clip – Aunt Sue’s Ant Soup
After all the serious posts about geek stuff, I figured it was time to throw in a bit of levity again. So here’s a sample I’ve lovingly clipped from The Blender’s “Aunt Sue’s Ant Soup.” Here’s a bit about this song and the group behind it… plus — I know you’re craving this — the…