[ I resisted for a while, but after spending more than an hour reading friends’ “25 things” on Facebook, I’m sold, and feel obligated to contribute to the meme 🙂 – Adam ]
- I had never seen snow coming from the sky ‘til college (grew up in S. California, went to school in the midwest).
- I have not eaten fast food in a decade, except for In’N’Out and (rarely) Subway.
- I started studying music at age four, wrote my first song around age six, and have always had perfect pitch (which is both a blessing and a curse).
- I began e-mailing in 1987, before there was a public internet (on Prodigy Online Services) and was (I’m embarrassed to admit this) a forum leader on AOL in the early 90’s so I could avoid the high per-hour charges.
- Except for a friend’s wedding in Canada, I had never ventured out of the U.S. before age 27.
- I’ve now been to more than two dozen countries. Found the friendliest people in Brazil and Denmark, best food in France, best ocean in Australia…
- I got a D in “Arranging [music] for Wind Ensembles” from a professor who was angry that I ditched a review session to do a 30 hour Dance Marathon.
- I conducted a (small) orchestra for dozens of performances of the quirky, awesome musical “The Mystery of Edwin Drood.”
- I ran my own singing telegram business in high school.
- I ran a web server (O’Reilly’s “Website”) in my grad school dorm. I think I spent more time with that and other geek playthings than with my (often very very boring) law school books.
- I love a cappella music… both the serene and the hard-hitting kinds and everything in between.
- I am Google’s only Search Evangelist, named such largely because my boss (who recruited me) couldn’t think of another title for me to put on my job application. I actually focus on webmaster outreach and I still love my work.
- I was apparently viewed as somewhat of a slacker/loser by my law school colleagues and an amiable and savvy networker by my business school colleagues.
- Even though I love chatting with, learning from, hanging out with people, I am far more introverted than most people realize.
- I have always really really wanted to be taller. Only recently have I more or less made peace with the fact that we shorter guys suffer real discrimination. Can’t do anything about it, have to move on.
- I LOVE food. I’m trying to tone up a bit, and believe me, I’m far more delighted to rachet up the exercising and dancing vs. forgoing “sinful” foods like dark chocolate and gelato.
- I have composed dozens of songs, but not much of anything in the last decade. I recently bought (expensive!) music notation software to encourage me to get back into the composing world.
- Yes, I’m a geek, but I’m mostly interested in how technology makes us more productive and (genuinely) brings us together socially. The latest-and-greatest-shiny-thing doesn’t move me.
- I used to have horribly awful posture, and now I just have mildly bad posture. Still trying to work on it.
- I learned most of what I know and love about lindy hop from two teachers who moved far away and now openly have divorced themselves from the dance world. This still makes me very sad.
- I was voted “Most Studious” in my HS senior year (despite rarely studying), sharing the award with a girl I had a massive crush on (who, last I heard, dropped out of college).
- I have traveled internationally a ton for work and am grateful for the professional and other opportunities this has given me, but few believe me when I emphasize the stressfulness and un-glamorness of it.
- I only keep up with one TV show (“LOST”) and don’t even own a TV.
- I’m probably one of the few straight guys who loves musical theatre, enjoys step aerobics, doesn’t drink beer, and yawns at the thought of car shows and football games.
- I recently discovered yoga and now love it. My lower back initially protested, but has now seen the light, too :-).
What do you think?