Category: blogging
Why I’ll no longer read your no-comment blog
Earlier this evening, I followed a link from Techmeme and encountered an editorial that was, well, IMHO just flat out wrong. Inaccurate, illogical, the whole nine yards. As I was reading it, I considered adding a comment to provide corrections and contrasting opinions, but then reconsidered, since it’s just not worth my effort to crime-fight…
How employment at prominent tech firms stymies open communication
Let me first get the disclaimers out of the way: I have worked at Google since March, 2006. I do not speak on behalf of Google in this blog, nor do my views necessarily dovetail with those of other Googlers; I’ve historically held more of a public-facing role than most Googlers, so I have heightened…
Is it wise spending our time writing for *other* sites?
I’ve been contributing to the Q&A site Quora a lot lately, and it’s pretty neat. I’ve posed questions, answered questions, edited stuff, voted on a lot of answers, and so on. And in a broader sense, like many of us, I’ve also spent probably hundreds of hours in the aggregate answering questions on Aardvark, posting often…
Dear techosphere — my wishes for 2011
Hi techosphere! I realize I don’t have much right to demand stuff from you. I’ve been a lackluster blogger lately, and as someone who sold his soul to a big evil Don’t Be Evil corporation, I can’t claim to understand the grinding challenges of running a profitable and popular tech blog. But that’s not going…
ExpressionEngine to Blogger — My blog reborn
Well, that was a pain in the gluteus maximus! I’ve spent a total of over 20 hours (!) setting up a Blogger blog and moving all of my blog entries and comments over from my old blog home powered by ExpressionEngine. I think I have pretty much everything transferred successfully now, but I’m counting on you, fine readers,…
I, Robot
Hello. Good day. A little quiet?I’m feeling a little blue myself.You know, A little anxious for no particular reasonA little sad that I should feel anxious at this age.You know, a little self-conscious anxiety resulting in non-specific sadness.The state that I call blue. – spoken by the narrator (“Man In Chair”) in the awesome musical…
Bureaucratic snafu snags Catholic Priest and leaves me wondering: what’s my role?
A friend of mine just let me know of a frustrating and seemingly unfair issue in his neck of the woods: A popular and much-loved priest in South Dakota is apparently about to be deported due to what seems to be a pretty lame bureaucratic snafu (pemanent residency application accepted but later lost/misplaced). An advocacy…
I hesitate to read your opinions when I can’t talk back
Please forgive the unsexy title. I know it would have been far more Diggable if I had titled it “Top 10 Reasons Why Your Opinion Blog Needs Comments.” Anyway… I can sometimes enjoy link blogs (“101 uses for a paper mache African swallow. No, European!”) without comments. Or info-blogs (new product released, site will be…
Fair use, mashups, and profits – why hasn’t anyone figured this out yet?
Lots of us love music and we love to share it; I think that’s even more powerful than simply “grab lots of music for free”—it’s the sharing that excites us, motivates us. Music is a shared experience! Why, then, hasn’t anyone made it easy to share music snippets legally from a simple iframe, a simple…
What makes a blog a community? And are such communities indeed highly fickle?
I’ve spent much of this weekend dealing with my blogfeeds. I have well over 200 (haven’t bothered to count ‘em exactly), and I’m tens of thousands of posts behind. Some feeds I’ve just had to (often regretfully) unsubscribe from, others I’ve “reset to zero” (admittedly just masking a larger problem), but—most interestingly to me—I’ve become…