I love you (you, you, NOT you!), but I don’t always love how you try to contact me.
I have a few respectful requests:
- Use my contact page, please. It’s super-easy to find (top page in Google for “Contact Adam Lasnik”), and I even list my e-mail address on there. Every time you instead try to get my attention via Twitter or Facebook message or LinkedIn or Flickr, Goddess kills a doggy [hint: that’s bad.]
- Please use a descriptive subject line. This precludes “HELP!” or “Hi!” or “Great Pharmacy!!1”
- Don’t unsolicitedly send me a detailed business plan. Seriously, this one really pains me to write, but when I receive a heartfelt and amazingly-detailed-with-multiple-attachment business idea for an existing Google product, my cover-my-posterior-reaction is to delete the note without reading it. Google already gets sued a ridiculous number of times a week, and I don’t want Google (or me!) to be sued for “stealing someone’s idea without credit.” 🙁 On the other hand, bug reports, a clever feature request or observation… if you can’t find a way to share this info with the appropriate Google team (e.g., via an official forum or form), feel free to fill me in and I’ll do the best I can to get it seen by the right people :-D.
and, on a related note…
- Please forgive me. I’m still behind on my personal e-mail (about 380 messages in my inbox, down from last year’s high of nearly 5,000), so it can take me a while to reply.
What do you think?