Like many of you, I read a lot of news and opinion pieces on the Internet and am therefore bombarded by a mixture of dry and rabid facts and opinions. It can be exausting and frustrating!
That’s why I’m particularly pleased to have found these two useful resources:
The Week Magazine
The Week expertly summarizes information and opinions from leading newspapers and journals around the world into a 30-40 page concise and fascinating overview. From political news to information about current scientific issues to aggregated theatre and art reviews, this magazine offers a superb opportunity to become familiar with key global debates and concerns.
While you can read many of the articles online, I do recommend that you subscribe to the paper edition. If you have airline frequent flyer miles, you’ll find that you can get this magazine for just a few hundred milepoints a year—a significant savings over the equivalent monetary subscription charges. Search for [{your airline} miles magazines].
This outstanding Web site—maintained by the Annenberg School of Communication—and its accompanying e-mail newsletter do a fabulous job delving into the truth of political campaign ads. Beyond just calling specific claims flatly “true” or “false”, FactCheck evaluates the claims in context and leans neither to the right nor left. Campaign claims by Democrats, Republicans, and Liberatarians are all scrutinized dispassionately and thoroughly. It’s a wonderful antidote to the frothing right-wing and left-wing blogs out there which’ll seemingly twist anything to fit their particular agenda.
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Know of any other unbiased and thoughtful resources for understanding world events, politics, and the arts? I’d love to hear from you!
What do you think?