My colleague Sha-Mayn noted that today is Dr. Seuss’ birthday. I originally penned the short poem below to post as a facebook comment, but I thought I’d share it with you all instead. 😀 With deep apologies but much love to Dr. Seuss…
I hadn’t known this fact before
I miss Dr. Seuss now even more
I read and re-read all his books
‘til my parents gave me funny looks!
“Green Eggs and Ham” still rocks today.
I wish for more like that, I say!
In a hat, on a moat, with a cat, on a boat,
In a car, on a plane, with a star, on a plane!
I would not could not write like Seuss.
So now I’ll stop the poetic abuse.
[Video below is of two girls lipsync’ing to Moxy Früvous’ awesome a cappella take on “Green Eggs and Ham”]
What do you think?