Category: wackiness

  • Reflections on the New Year

    I had just gotten back from a party.  Quite a fun one at that, with warm friends, delicious chips and true cake, even balconies. But still, something wasn’t right.  The New Year had come, but contrary to my hopes, I still lacked certainty, focus, clarity. Luckily, however, I was prepared.  I know not everything can…

  • Adam’s septoplasty / turbinate reduction surgery diary. Infotainment the doctor ordered!

    Three out of four leading doctors told me that I have a really messed up nose (my septum is shaped like a hockey stick rather than the more conveniently functional lower case ‘l’ style)… and if I ever want to breathe decently, I simply must get a septoplasty + turbinate reduction surgery. The fourth (admittedly imaginary)…

  • About the "gay" and "fun" people I’ve met

    When ordering over the phone from a dance shoe store, at the end of a long friendly conversation with the owner…      ME:  Well, hey, thanks!  You’ve been super-helpful.     HER:  You’re welcome!  And by the way, I’m gay.     [awkward pause, not that there’s anything wrong with that]     HER: … Er, my name…

  • We interrupt this cranky, verbose blog to bring you cake for breakfast

    Are you living your life completely? Lyrics: Last night I dreamed about cake for breakfastTwo big pieces just for me.They’re standing there on a paper plattercovered with a doily. The light inside the refrigeratorShined a moonbeam on their heads,On which was written a bold inscription.This is what the icing said: Can you live your life…

  • Overheard at the optometrist today

    Cranky Old Guy #1:  What did you do to your glasses?!Cranky Old Guy #2:  I stepped on them.Cranky Old Guy #1:  [a thinkify’ing pause] You’re not supposed to do that!

  • Truly stupid Facebook status updates

    One of my favorite newsweeklies, The Week, has a weekly competition where they solicit various entertaining submissions on goofy name ideas or lists. A few weeks ago, highlighting the crazy case of some Australian kids Facebook-status’ing that they’d fallen into a well or something like that, they asked for some other ideas of truly stupid…

  • [Overheard] – "How do I get balls?"

    Officemate:  So I got everything all set for the event.  Computers, powerstrips, food.  Only thing I forgot was chairs! [smacking forehead]Me:  Why don’t you use these instead? [pointing to one of the inflatable balls we have in our office for sitting on]Officemate: [looking intrigued, yet uncertain]  Hmm!  How do I get balls?!Me:  [incredulous pause, then…

  • A short tribute poem to Dr. Seuss on his birthday

    My colleague Sha-Mayn noted that today is Dr. Seuss’ birthday.  I originally penned the short poem below to post as a facebook comment, but I thought I’d share it with you all instead. 😀  With deep apologies but much love to Dr. Seuss…— I hadn’t known this fact beforeI miss Dr. Seuss now even moreI…

  • [Humor] 100 yards Longs brand Waxed Mint Dental Tape, almost new

    Today we have a guest post!  Hopefully a nice respite from all the political tensions. The note below was written by Mark Pilloff for distribution on our company’s “for sale” (classifieds) list.  I’ve reproduced it below in its entirety with, of course, Mark’s permission.  Enjoy! 😀 *  *  * Free: 100 yards Longs brand Waxed…

  • Where the hell is Matt? — Huge smiles guaranteed!

    Today’s entry is short and wonderful.  Behold, in the video below, Matt Harding… “dancing” around the world, one city at a time.  At the 54 second mark, watch the video really come alive when he delights countless locales who join in the dancing… and, i guarantee, charms all of you watching, too :-D. For more…