Category: wackiness
Adventures in flying, part 13
Once again, I was off to Germany… home of good friends, heavy food, wacky long sentences, and Lufthansa, the airline whose plane I was unceremoniously squished into not like a sardine, but wurst. I had the foot-munching-tray aisle to my right, and a stupendously larger-than-life and dumber-than-devil-fossils young fella to my left. To his left…
[Blippet] The Case of the Changed Chairs
I work in a small office with three other Googlers. That’s pretty typical around here; I don’t know of a single person that has their own office, though we’re always free to roam to a quieter place with our laptops and ubiquitous wireless access. It’s also a delightfully multicultural office:– One Croatian fellow.– One Chinese…
Luck, girls, flies, truffles, tall people, and 100 BILLION dollars
I’ve been duly inspired by my friend Graham. And given that I’m too lazy / cautious / tired to do a deep and meaningful and original blog entry this evening, I’ve decided to instead just share a few thoughts about the search phrases people have used to get to my humble BLADAM 2.0 site over…
Blippet: [Video] Avenue Q + Fiddler on the Roof — oy vey, so gay!
Love Avenue Q? Appreciate Jewish humor? Watch what happens when the cast of Avenue Q mashes up with the cast of Fiddler on the Roof! P.S.—I’d like to hat-tip a fellow blogger, but I can’t remember exactly where I first saw this (I just re-found it via a YouTube search). Much apologies. Next time, I’ll…
I’m staking a claim to Web 4.0!
Okay, I admit it. I missed the boat and jealously hollered that naming anything Web 2.0 is a bunch of crap. So more recently I thought, hey, that’s no problem, I’ll just glom onto Web 3.0, the semantic Web. I mean, look, I have lots of nice Jewish programmer friends, so who am I to…
[Humor] Once again, attending a camp for swingers
Tomorrow night I’m heading off on a plane to once again attend a camp for swingers. As you can imagine, posting on my blog and sorting through my t-shirt drawers will be far from my mind. 😉 Take THAT, Lisa Barrone 😛 Anyway… if you’re interested in all the details (including lots of photos!), visit…
Don’t Download This Song! (listen to another gem by Weird Al Yankovic)
Unless you’re a fan of the RIAA or a bitter, clueless artist… I urge you to run, er, click, not walk to go hear Weird Al’s new ditty: “Don’t Download This Song.” [warning: music autoplays]. I’m looking forward to the music video promised for this evening, but in the meantime, you can hear the song…
T-shirt stats
So, what do you do when you’re home alone on a Saturday night, you don’t feel like going out, and you also aren’t in the mood to be very productive? No, not THAT ;-). Why, you optimize your t-shirt drawers, of course. Exactly! And so far, I’ve determined that I have: 13 Google t-shirts (fewer…
[Photo] And when they land, they’ll do so in an organized fashion
Selfishly raising money for cancer, one photo annotation at a time
I have an envelope on my desk from the American Cancer Society. A very, very worthy organization, and one that I do indeed plan to support financially. But—being the strange bird that I am—I’d like to do so creatively, selfishly, and, well, with your help 😀 No, I’m not going to ask you to send…