Being under the microscope

I’ve been at Google about four months, and it’s been a hell of a great ride so far.  I really need to write more about this later, but in a nutshell… my colleagues rock, the flexible and trusting environment is awesome, and I’m very excited about what I’m working on.

However, I do have to admit to sometimes being a bit freaked out :o.

I spend a good chunk of my morning reading relevant industry news and also thoughtful blogs from Webmasters and others all around the world.  I glean a lot of great ideas (and yes, sometimes also bugs) that I share with colleagues here at Google. 

A few days ago, I came across a pretty untraditional note, and I thought, hey… wouldn’t it be kinda funny if I actually went ahead and mailed Al a Tylenol packet?  So I did.  I figured he’d get a chuckle, maybe share it with some friends or even post a quick update on his blog.

I had no idea that something this silly would capture this much attention!

Anyway, yeah, this little mailing was indeed sent on a whim from a random Googler (me!), and though I’m a bit shocked by the response, I’m glad that my letter ended up entertaining not only Al, but also lots of other people.

Along with many others here at Google, I’m working on some very cool projects dealing with Webmaster communications.  But aside from all of that official stuff, I’m reminded that it’s clearly the little things now and then that give a human face to this company.  Not to mention that when one of us Googlers decides to be a bit wacky, it’s far from a private moment 😛



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29 responses to “Being under the microscope”

  1. Haochi Avatar

    So are you sending Al a plane ticket to Miami?

  2. Al Scillitani Avatar

    Adam, you Da’ man!!!  I was laughing all day about this.  Thanks again for making my day!
    Al Scillitani

    PS- I heard California is nice this time of year 🙂

  3. Richard Henry Avatar

    It’s nice to know that the people at Google are actually complete legends!

  4. WillPIll Avatar

    Interesting story, You and everyone that makes Google are amazing.

  5. JojoMan Avatar

    +1 to why i love google.

  6. Edgardo Avatar

    Hi Adam, the blog doesn?t see too bad, I thing that the important thing is the content; personal blog reflex the way that the blog owner think, and I can see your thinking way through “bladam 2.0”. Anyway, I?m waiting for the 3.0 version to say “wow, that?s the guy” (kidding) 😉

  7. KeithC Avatar

    You could not buy that kind of P.R.  😉

  8. Adam Avatar

    Hey everyone, thanks for the friendly words!  I was not only amazed at the coverage (as I noted in the entry) but also very, very thankful that people largely took the Pilling in the spirit it was intended 😀

    Jon… regarding your question about the type of pill I sent:  I’m fairly certain it wasn’t brand-name Tylenol, but I thought I had grabbed some genuine (generic) acetaminophen from the first aid locker.  It’s possible I grabbed asprin instead, though; Al could certainly clarify if he’s still reading this thread :-D.

    Anyway, thanks again everyone for stopping by, and please do take a moment to say a word or two on other threads.  My blog isn’t (yet) powered by Google search, but the search option (above) ain’t all that bad 😀

  9. William Avatar

    New service idea:  Google Wish.

    Just granting one wish a day would probably be good enough—just pull it from Google’s petty cash. *:-)

  10. Brian Humphrey Avatar


    Thanks for always helping us remember that each morning is yet another a “good ol’ day” in the making. To say that you and Google fit like hand in glove appears to be an understatement.


  11. DarkChino Avatar


    good humour… this world need a few than that…

  12. Al Scillitani Avatar


    It was Extra Strength “Pain Away”
    Acetaminophen 250mg
    Aspirin 250mg
    Caffeine 65mg

    Al Scillitani
    Search Marketing Manager
    Fortune Interactive

  13. Julio Cho Avatar
    Julio Cho

    hey Adam, how did you get his address?

  14. Huy Zing Avatar
    Huy Zing

    Good one Adam.
    Keep up the wacky work

  15. mr-internet Avatar


    well done

  16. Forknut Avatar

    How about making the bid position thing work instead of sending out cutsie packages.

  17. Prem Avatar

    That was so whacky, good one Adam! Your swinging post was hillarious too.

  18. nomi Avatar


  19. Online Shopping Avatar

    Hi Adam, I would like to suggest you, whenver we are visiting google webmaster tools and reading proper information for the seo purpose, i would like to have over there two fields one for comments and secondive for email. so one who really wants or want to comments on serious problem than get back to the staff very easily.

  20. SEO Florida Avatar

    You rock Adam, This is dream to work as u do for Google.

  21. Tina Luong Avatar
    Tina Luong

    Adam, please help me. I’m in a management class and I’ve chosen Google to do my project on. I thought it would be easy to just “google” Google. But I can’t find any information I’m looking for.

    I need to know Google’s planning, organizing, leading and controlling structure for my paper.

  22. casininio Avatar

    one can say we are all working for google optimizing it’s database

  23. Castaldo Avatar

    Hello Adam, congratulation for your website. I love google too and now with caffeine I hope its structure has been improved. Greetings from Bologna in Italy

  24. credito rapido Avatar

    well done, congratulations
    i love reading your posts

  25. acido folico Avatar

    great post, congratulation men

  26. Titan Bet Avatar

    one can say we are all working for google optimizing it’s database

  27. ngan hang Avatar

    Good job,congratulation!

  28. Byteme Avatar

    please Google stop your fascist activities and remove yourselves from the web you can all go to China (and take the CIA and NSA with you) and find the lifestyle you want ready made there.

  29. Anonymous Avatar

    I want the e-mail johnsonlkim so bad that i am trying anything to get a hold of someone at google to help me get it i went to forgot my password to see if someone else had it and it said that no one had it so will u please help me out it something i want sooooo baaaad i sooo would be one very very very happy happy happy woman thanks for working on it

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