Hear ye, hear ye! From now on, the use of the following phrases is to be discouraged, if not downright forbidden:
- Attention metadata. Attention anything for that matter, unless it’s used in a non-technical phrase such as “Put down the crackberry and pay attention to the real world for a sec, dammit!”
- Web 3.0. Web 4.0. Web anything.0, for crying out loud. See my comments on Web 2.0 and Web 4.0 for more information on this ridiculous fad. Note: Web 2.d’oh! is okay. For now.
- Relationship economy. I just saw this one today. Grrr! Note: Okay if used to refer jokingly to prostitution. For now.
I’m sure there are others, but I’m getting nauseous just mulling over the above trite phrases. And yes, I realize that it’s a sadly losing battle to do away with Web 2.0.
So… what empty, cliched, uber-annoying geek-phrases drive you nuts?
What do you think?