Water-swilling swing dancers… threat to a moral and orderly society. They Must Be Stopped!
Or so goes the thinking of some pretty aggressive Salt Lake City law enforcement officials, as noticed by this (verified) forward:
In Salt Lake City, during the 2003 Utah Lindy Exchange, the organizer Nate Landon was “Arrested” at 3 am for violating a little known City Ordinance that Prohibits dancing between 2 and 8 am. He was issued two misdemeanor citations for No business license, and dancing after 2. The Police broke up the dance, and yelled at all 50 participants to vacate the building, or everyone was going to jail. We are working on getting rid of this ordinance – but be sure you check out your own city ordinances before hosting an after hours dance. Nate rented a Dance Studio, and they knew he was going to be hosting the dance from midnight to 4 am, and even they were not aware of this dance ordinance.
– Pam Genovesi (Salt Lake City, 2003) (as reported via the no-doubt-equally-culpable www.lindyexchange.com)
What do you think?