My crazy 2002 Europe trip itinerary

I’m hoping to expand up on this summary at a later time, but for now, it should give you at least a general idea on what I was up to during part of the Summer of 2002 🙂

June 20 New York City Seeing a play with longtime SmileZone member Jennifer and also visiting two other friends (including one penpal I’ve had for 17 years and not yet met!)
June 21 Boston, then over the ocean Visiting cool SmileZone journaler SmirkyPixie, then flying to Europe…
June 22
June 23 Rotterdam, The Netherlands Visiting fun college buddy Rik.
June 24 London, England Terrorizing sunny ol’ London with Rik and catching a musical or two.
June 25
June 26
June 27 Venray, The Netherlands Visiting talentedly very-multilingual friend Desirée with possibly the two of us reuniting with Rik in Rotterdam at the wild and crazy Baja Beach Club in Rotterdam 🙂
June 28
June 29
June 30 Stockholm, Sweden After flying to Stockholm from Amsterdam (via Paris), I’ll spend the night in Stockholm and then the next day take an overnight boat to Helsinki.
July 1 Helsinki, Finland
July 2
July 3 Tallinn, Estonia Visiting talented Lindy Hopper friend Sirli and the intriguing old town of Tallinn, then boating or flying back to Stockholm on the way to Herräng.
July 4
July 5
July 6-July 20 Herräng, Sweden(Tiny village north of Stockholm, near Hallstavik) Home of the world’s largest and most famous swing dance camp! 🙂 Check out the site… it’s fun! And see pictures, too!
July 21 Kolarmora, Sweden Visiting friends of friends at their summer home.
July 22
July 23 Paris, France Visiting very creative and interesting college buddy Bich-Quan
July 24 Home again! Flying from Stockholm to San Francisco via New York.







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