Category: technology
Time spent on social networks and the like – I’ll show you mine if you’ll show me yours
After having fallen hugely behind on browsing my Facebook newsfeed, Friendfeed, etc., I decided to see just how much time I had been spending during those “on top of it” days… and, by extension, how much time it’d take me to keep up each day. Around 10pm last night, I “cleared out” my Reader, and…
Don’t get a G1 (but do keep an eye out for Android Awesomeness!)
When it took me seven seconds just to be able to answer a phone call, that’s when I realized I had finally had enough. I’ve never used an iPhone and due to disapproval over Apple’s policies probably never well, so this is not a “G1 Sucks iPhone Rules!!!1” post. Unfortunately, it’s still a rant against…
#geekfail — Valuing immediacy over depth, accuracy, and understanding
Yesterday, I learned about the turmoil in Iran… from the blogosphere. Some have argued that the immediacy of news on this and other breaking topics is a sign that mainstream media has failed and online media—specifically “real time” components of online media—have triumphed. I believe such an assumption is not only dead wrong, but dangerous…
Dependence on the Internet
Just going through some of my old files, and I came across an unpublished journal/rant thing re: my frustrations upon loss of Internet connectivity. This was from back in *2001*. Amazing how some dependent at least I was on the Internet back then! Okay, I feel as blind as a bat right now. My internet…
Picking a domain name — a helpful list
My friends have been telling me that “BLADAM” is a yucky name. Bummer. So I’ve shopping for a new domain name, and it’s not easy! So many things to think about, and so many damn evil squatters (but that’s a different issue). And I thought hmm, I’ve been mulling over so many guidelines and best…
Pandora Mobile highlights awesomeness but also severe lame-itude
Do you know Pandora? If you’re in the United States, where Pandora is legally available, you may have come to enjoy this awesome uber-customizable music radio over the past years. If you’re not in the U.S., perhaps you’ve discovered the beauty of anonymous proxies :cough:, which I’m not going to mention here :p. But perhaps…
My experiment testing user engagement on Facebook, Friendfeed, and Twitter
What did I do?!I posted an identically-phrased note on Facebook, Friendfeed, and Twitter at around 1:30am PDT Friday morning. Specifically, I posted this: “Could you kindly help me with a super-quick experiment (takes less than 30 seconds)? I’ll share results 🙂 Thanks!” Why?I was curious to see which set of friends/subscribers (henceforth referred to as…
Facebook’s Frustrating Friending… and my reluctant choice
I have over 500 Facebook friends. That’s a statement to help you understand my predicament, not a badge of honor. Of these, a handful are close friends, a big bunch are “regular” friends, a ton of ‘em are colleagues with which I have varying degrees of social contact and interest, and an even larger ton…
I, Robot
Hello. Good day. A little quiet?I’m feeling a little blue myself.You know, A little anxious for no particular reasonA little sad that I should feel anxious at this age.You know, a little self-conscious anxiety resulting in non-specific sadness.The state that I call blue. – spoken by the narrator (“Man In Chair”) in the awesome musical…
Why this blog doesn’t decently render in Chrome
UPDATE: Vinny sent me a script that fixes it. Much thanks!— Right after I wrote a neato article on Chrome and Google Bookmarks, my blog stopped “working” in Chrome. I finally figured out why. Apparently, the script set that powers my dropdown menu—the “Accessible Website Dropdown Menu”—is written to look for the string “Apple Computer”…