BLADAM news: Groovy navigation! 🙂

Okay, I know, I’m such a geek, but I just had to share with you that I stayed awake this morning until 5am to build you, my humble visitors, new ways to navigate through this blog.

Via the navigation panels on the top, bottom, and right-hand side, you can now browse by category, see an index of all entries, and view category indexes (indices?) as well.

Now I’d like you to speak up: Do the options make sense or are some things confusing? Am I presenting the right amount of options, or is stuff too cluttered now (particularly on the top and bottom of entries or listings)?

I write for myself, of course, as most writers do, but I do keep this public blog for your enjoyment. I’m honored to have you visiting, and I thank you in advance for your feedback 🙂







7 responses to “BLADAM news: Groovy navigation! :)”

  1. Faf Avatar

    i think there are too many colors on here… but that’s just me.

  2. Adam Avatar

    Faf… you wouldn’t be the first to suggest that!

    In the last iteration of my site, many folks complained that it was too blandly colored.

    Hopefully one of these days I’ll find a happy medium!  Luckily, though, my site is coded in XHTML and CSS, so changing colors and so on is a snap.

    Any color in particular you think should get ditched? 😀

  3. Faf Avatar

    i wouldnt know which colors to ditch. just dont make them too varied.

    like your sidebar thingies have a different color from you blog entry backgounds. in fact that bit alone has 3colors

    the left sidebar has one more different color.

    the “get the good stuff” box has a different border.

    theres some bit of yellow (two different shades actually)

    then theres the greenish background. eugh.

  4. Adam Avatar

    Okay, I think I got it.
    “Fewer colors… it’s hurting my head!  Must reduce colors!” 😀

  5. Adam Avatar

    Just did a redesign (colorwise, with a few other minor fixins’ thrown in).  Better? 🙂

  6. Faf Avatar

    definitely better.

  7. Roy Avatar

    I like it as it is (for 6 years), plz don’t change it again.

What do you think?