Truth or Consequences

I just discovered that there is a city called “Truth or Consequences” in New Mexico. Really.

How would someone come up with a name like this?!






2 responses to “Truth or Consequences”

  1. Anita Rowland Avatar

    They changed the name of the town as a publicity stunt for the radio quiz show (it was a tv show later). This came up in the news when a town voted on changing their name to match with some dot com or other.

  2. Anonymous Avatar

    it used to be called hot springs new mexico, but when the radio show, truth or consequences asked for a city to change their name, hot springs voted, and succesfully became truth or consequences.  new mexico doesnt get much publicity, i should know im from there, so this was a big deal. On may first of every year, a fiesta is held, this tradition was started by the announcer of the radio show who offered to host it.  and it just continued from there.

What do you think?