Category: personal

  • I, Robot

    Hello.  Good day.  A little quiet?I’m feeling a little blue myself.You know, A little anxious for no particular reasonA little sad that I should feel anxious at this age.You know, a little self-conscious anxiety resulting in non-specific sadness.The state that I call blue. – spoken by the narrator (“Man In Chair”) in the awesome musical…

  • Of little sleep, many chances, big dreams

    Tuesday I will be in Mountain View.  Tomorrow I will be in Frankfurt with good friends and many drunk loud Germans screaming at a big TV. Tonight beyond the witching hour I declined an adventure in Koeln, being the wise or stupid one.  Today I was rocking out with people from 10 to 79 and…

  • What I’ve been up to

    As many friends have reminded me, I haven’t blogged for a while. Here’s a refresher on what I wrote a while back about why I blog. And here are a few reasons why I haven’t been blogging for a while: ScrubbingI had to prepare my apartment for a parental visit. ‘nuff said. TravelingI visited Seattle,…

  • Where is Adam (online)? My participation in and thoughts about various presence/sharing services

    In case you’re interested in stalking me and/or knowing what my thoughts are on various online presence / networking / bookmarking sites I have tried, here’s a (completely unscientific, wholly biased, unabashedly uncomprehensive, and generally of questionable use) list 😀 FYI, I’m findable via my full name on the services below unless noted otherwise.  And sites owned/operated by Google…

  • How I blew off Google… and more pre-Google career tidbits

    Happy Googleversary!As I was getting ready to board the Google Shuttle home recently, a colleague (who started at Google on the same day I did) poked me and jokingly wished me a “Happy Googleversary!”  Right then it hit me that, yeah, I had been at Google for a full year.  Wow! Also in the last few weeks, coincidentally…

  • Five things you (probably) didn’t know about me

    I don’t usually participate in bloggy memes, but two folks I like and respect (Aaron Shear and Aaron Pratt) have invited me to take part in a viral “Tell five things about yourself that few people likely know about” thingy.  So I will 😀 1) I’m more introverted than folks suspect.Though most folks see me…

  • Self improvement — how do you measure your progress?

    A few years back, I had some free sessions with a personal trainer at my gym, and one of the most useful takeaways was this: Unless you write stuff down, it’s too easy to “fudge the facts” in your mind.  How much pushups are you doing with good form?  What are you eating each day? …

  • More photos: From Gregarious Greeks to a Korean Combo and beyond…

    I’ve had the good fortune to travel a lot over the last years (mostly for fun, not business, though that’s shifting) and also am blessed with many fun and photogenic friends. With no further ado, here’s a sample of photos I’ve recently uploaded: Talented Tjapukais Watery wires Korean combo Gregarious Greeks A fab flower Here’s…

  • [Humor] Once again, attending a camp for swingers

    Tomorrow night I’m heading off on a plane to once again attend a camp for swingers.  As you can imagine, posting on my blog and sorting through my t-shirt drawers will be far from my mind. 😉 Take THAT, Lisa Barrone 😛 Anyway… if you’re interested in all the details (including lots of photos!), visit…

  • T-shirt stats

    So, what do you do when you’re home alone on a Saturday night, you don’t feel like going out, and you also aren’t in the mood to be very productive? No, not THAT ;-). Why, you optimize your t-shirt drawers, of course.  Exactly!  And so far, I’ve determined that I have: 13 Google t-shirts (fewer…